Minimax Implant

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Open position

Marketing & Graphic Designer (NSW 1명 / 3년 이상 경력)

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About company​

MINIMAX IMPLANT & MEDICAL is proud to be the fastest expanding Implant and Dental supply ​business, dedicated to delivering top-quality products and exceptional customer service to our valued ​clients.

We are committed to offering a "TOTAL SOLUTION" to dentists' needs, ensuring an unparalleled level of ​quality in service, support, and product variety. With one of the highest success rates among dentists, ​evidenced by increased clinic openings and overall satisfaction, we prioritize both product excellence ​and customer care.

If you are passionate about making a difference in the dental industry and eager to grow alongside a ​thriving company, we invite you to join us at MINIMAX IMPLANT &MEDICAL. Take the first step ​towards an exciting career journey and apply today!

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Ro​le description

  • SNS 컨텐츠 디자인 및 관리
  • 크리에이티브 (광고 및 홍보 제작물) 디자인
  • 세미나 & 제품 마케팅 및 디자인
  • 행사 마케팅 및 디자인
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  • 담당업무

- 디자인 툴 활용에 능숙하신 분 (Adobe or Canva 등)

- 다양한 밈 트랜드에 민감하고 SNS 좋아하시는 분

- 능동적이고 적극적인 마인드의 외향적인 성향을 가지신 분

  • 우대조건

- 유관 경력자

- 그래픽 디자인 디테일 능력이 뛰어나신 분

- SNS 채널 운영경험이 있는 분

- 영상 디자인 프로그램/앱 사용가능자

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  • After probation period – a half day extra leave per month
  • After 18months a half day extra leave per fortnight
  • After 30months a half day extra leave every week
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Application requirements

  • Resume (English)
  • Cover Letter (English)
  • 디자인 포트폴리오 제출 필수