Solomons Group

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Open position

  • 회계팀 인턴
  • Graduate Accountant
  • Intermediate Accountant
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About company​

저희 Solomons 그룹은 회계 / 재무 설계 / 자산 운용 / 법무의 디비젼으로 구성되어 있으며, Multi-National 그룹으​로서 적극적인 배움과 창의성을 강조하는 열린 근무 환경을 자부합니다. Solomons 회계법인은 풍부한 지식과 경험​을 바탕으로 개인부터 기업까지 다양한 고객분들께 안정적이고 전문적인 세무 및 회계 자문 서비스를 제공합니다.

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Skills and qualifications

  • Communicate logically and clearly, both verbally and in writing, using correct grammar and spelling
  • Exceptional communication skills
  • Simultaneously use several software applications and information resources
  • Work on the improvement of your own performance on the basis of coaching provided by your ​Supervisors and the quality guidelines
  • Ability to multi task and work well in a fast paced environment
  • Great attention to detail and problem solving skills
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Application requirements

• Resume (English)

• Cover Letter (English)